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World Teaching Ministry of Jesus was established in October 12th, 2017 by the amazing grace of God in Christ Jesus with the guidance of The Holy Spirit. WTMJ is a vibrant, Spirit led ministry that embraces understanding. WTMJ is making an impact on the world to gain souls and equipping saints to make disciples for the glory of God. The teaching of the uncompromised Word of God is the primary focus of the ministry. God’s Grace Only, Kingdom Culture Only and Son Consciousness Only combine to deal with the world on God’s terms as Ambassadors from above. Our teaching, growth and influence are all gospel-centered.


Biblical faith is always seeking clear understanding through deep intellectual research. Intellectual research is a friend of biblical faith, it is not its enemy. The result of a non-bias study in depth of God’s word will definitely produce critical reflection, which will anchor a person in unwavering biblical faith.


In a world that is in chaos and which has rejected God, it is evident that the rejection of God is a monumental failure. God cannot be dethroned by His creation. The Word of God is The Key. We can hear the longing of lost souls in the world who are pleading inwardly for something more, something real, something hopeful. The Church has exactly that to offer in the person of Jesus Christ who is The Way, The Truth and The Life.


With WTMJ’s teaching, you will certainly know the truth in its full context according to its historical setting. Then and only then, the truth will set you free. Welcome to WTMJ!

"Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

2 Timothy 2:15 

Pastor Pierre R. Eliacin

In a world where objective truth is not valued at all, unfortunately relative truth, traditions and opinions are on what many people stand. When focusing on God is an after-thought for many, Pastor Pierre R. Eliacin’s passionate and empowering teaching of the word of God, in its actual context and historical setting, stands out.

Pastor Pierre is an ordained Pastor and the Founder of World Teaching Ministry of Jesus, Inc. with Pastor Eddie Laroque. His teachings  inspire  his listeners to think analytically in such a way that they can follow the guidance of The Holy Spirit stated in 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show yourselves approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”


Pastor Pierre has developed a passion for souls and has been in ministry for 30 years. During these years, Pastor Pierre has faithfully served in various capacities in ministries such as: usher, deacon, elders of the church, board of trustee, Sunday school teacher, and Bible study teacher. He is well-versed in theology and continues to work on his ministry training to this date. He’s been in study with: The Institute Biblical Theology, Church of God credentials, Crenshaw Christian Center, Wheaton College, and Pentecostal Theology Seminary pursuing a Master’s Program.


In 1985, Pastor Pierre met his high school sweetheart, Clary. They married in 1995 and were blessed in the years to follow with two anointed and committed girls, Claromy & Christelle. Both of his daughters have been faithfully using their skills in serving God; with Claromy leading the Praise and Worship Ministry and The Children’s Ministry. Christelle is very involved in the Youth Praise and Worship Ministry as well as the Communication and Ushering/Welcome/Care ministries.


Pastor Pierre also had the opportunity to write a book concerning Christian Doctrines title: “Comment Refuter Les Fausses Doctrines Du Christianisme” which was penned in French and subsequently published in January 1999.


Pastor Pierre’s mission is to challenge and inspire his listeners to seek the truth through God’s word, the Bible. Pastor Pierre’s ultimate goal and desires are to equip the saints to stand on the solid foundation of God’s word; by having a clear understanding of God’s truth that will set them free forever, spiritually.

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Pastor Pierre

World Teaching Ministry of Jesus

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Phone: 888-434-9865

Address: 10 Peachtree Ct.

Holbrook, NY 11741

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